Design Instructions

Print-Ready Files

In order for design files to be considered print-ready:

  1. The files must match the size of the requested signs. 
  2. They must also include all texts and graphics needed for the sign, such that no design changes need to be made.
  3. The resolution must also be at least 300 DPI (Usually this is sufficient, but for larger signs we may need a higher resolution).

If you do not have a print-ready file, we can usually still work with it.  But an artwork charge will apply.

Vector Files 

We prefer you send all design files in vector format. 

Vector files are fully editable. 

Providing a vector file allows us to make changes to your graphics, text and logos including fonts, and colors. 

It also allows us to scale up and maintain quality when printing.

If you do not have a vector file, we can usually still work with it.  But an artwork charge will apply. 

How do I know if my file is in vector format?

  1. Check File Extension: Use process of elimination. If the file format is JPG, PNG, BMP, GIFF, TIFF, HEIF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, or TXT it is definitely NOT a print-ready vector. 
  1. Zoom In: Open the file and zoom in all the way. If the image becomes pixelated or blurry at any point, it is not vector. Whereas vector graphics would be crisp and clear, regardless of how much you zoom.
  1. Use Design Software: If you have graphic editing software like Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW, import the file. Vector graphics will typically be separated into layers or objects, allowing individual components to be manipulated. Non-vector graphics, on the other hand, will appear as a single image layer.
  1. Examine Properties: Some software allows you to check file properties or metadata. This might reveal if the file is vector or non-vector. For instance, in Illustrator, using the “Document Info” panel can provide insights.
Quick tip: Be sure to check the whole file. Sometimes a file is in vector format but has non-vector files embedded in it.

Other File Types 

If you don’t have access to the vector file, please send us the original file in the highest resolution possible. Please send it as-is. Do not convert it to PDF or any other file format.

We will inspect it and see if we can use it.

The best way to send a file is via email or a file transfer software. Screenshotting or text messaging the file will reduce the quality. 

When you send the email and it asks you about the file size, select “Keep Original Size” or “Keep Actual Size”.  Reducing the file size lowers the file quality. 

If the file is to large to send via email, use a cloud storage software like WeTransfer, Dropbox, or Google Drive.

Brand Guidelines 

If you have brand guidelines you would like us to follow (e.g. specific color codes, fonts, and logo usage), please include that with your artwork to ensure your final design falls within these guidelines. 

If you don’t have brand guidelines but would like us to use a specific color or font for your design, make sure to include those details when submitting your artwork. 

However, please keep in mind that we do not guarantee color matches. The only way to do this is to come and view our in-store samples.

Read More

See our website Terms & Conditions to review our design policies.

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